Important Update!
With the global launch on August 14th 2020, Shreis Scalene Therapeutics LLC (SSTx) has worked on a path to market for the U.S., and has fast-tracked go-to-market strategies in Latin America, Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean for the Scalene Hypercharge Corona Canon (SHYCOCAN®).
In the U.S., the SHYCOCAN® was marketed under U.S. FDA Enforcement Discretion until November 2023. Additional product development including clinical validation and collection of real-world evidence is ongoing for this market.
Shreis Scalene Group
Shreis consists of 3 health-tech companies with safe, patient-centric, non-invasive technologies to address a variety of human health issues. It is poised to bring in cutting edge, novel, therapeutic medical devices for cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, degenerative lung conditions, wound healing & insulin dependent diabetes, a device intended to physically attenuate/disable certain viruses, including coronaviruses, and a diagnostic device, for precision cardiovascular disease detection. The region of our focus will be in the North and South American markets, including Mexico and the Caribbean, and in some instances, the Middle East.
The three companies and devices in the Shreis Scalene Group portfolio are;
Shreis Scalene Sciences LLC - Validated engineering solutions to human health problems
Cytotron® - Shreis Scalene Sciences is bringing to market a patented, non- invasive, therapeutic device called the CYTOTRON® delivering Quantum Magnetic Resonance Therapy (QMRT), in the realm of Regenerative Medicine. This tissue engineering platform technology uses safe radio frequencies at the lower end of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum, lower than cell phones and microwaves, to either regenerate diseased tissue in musculo-skeletal diseases (like Osteoarthritis of any joint, cervical spondylosis, disc prolapse, spinal injuries, low back pain etc.) or destroy tumor proliferation and degenerate cancer tissue.
CellFORN® - Facilitating non-invasive cancer drug delivery to improve efficacy and reduce life-threatening cytotoxicity of chemotherapeutic drugs.
Shreis Scalene Sciences is bringing to market a patent protected, non-invasive, drug delivery technology called Focused Resonance Nano-permeabilization (CELLFORN™), that uses radio-frequencies (RF) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) to selectively target, distribute and deliver chemotherapeutic drug molecules (large and small) or pain medication, within tumor lesions specifically. The concurrent use of FORN with cancer drug delivery mitigates severe systemic toxicities induced by residual drug in circulation. The failure of good drugs in late stages of clinical development due to serious adverse effects, and the ineffective use of chemotherapy as the ‘gold standard’ or for in-effective ‘palliation’ in end-stage disease can be given the much needed impetus. Salvaging beneficial drugs, improving compliance to chemotherapy and driving better outcomes in adult and pediatric patients in the goal for CELLFORN.
Shreis Scalene Therapeutics LLC
SHYCOCAN® - A device intended for the Attenuation/Disabling of coronaviruses* and Influenza B
Shreis Scalene Therapeutics prioritized R&D for the SHYCOCAN® project intended to deactivate certain viruses including coronaviruses, the virus associated with COVID-19.
*99.994% ( >4 log10 ) reduction observed in a standard MS2 Bacteriophage decontamination assay; 99.963% reduction of an EPA-approved SARS-CoV-2 surrogate, and elimination of expected Influenza B viral loads, in BSL-2 facilities (Peer-reviewed publication in progress). SARS-CoV-2 assays in BSL-3 facilities are currently underway.
Shreis Scalene Cardiotech LLC
Haemoseis-256 - Non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostic device for comprehensive assessment of an individual’s cardio-pulmonary and renal physiology, with accuracy, ease of use and cost efficiency.
Shreis Scalene Cardiotech is bringing to market a medical device, Haemoseis-256® - 3 Dimensional Vasculography for Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Diagnostics.
Mission & Vision
To provide non-invasive, safe, therapeutic & diagnostic health care solutions to enhance quality of life
To fill unmet medical needs within affordable budgets & insurance cover
Offer patient-centric healthcare with personalized, precision medicine, individualized for adults and pediatric indications
Spearhead disruptive technologies that will fill in for expensive diagnostic & therapeutic interventions - beyond the reach of the common man
Alleviate pain and suffering from debilitating diseases and provide quality and dignity of life, even in end-of-life situations
Establish collaborations through private-public-large pharma partnerships to facilitate global clinical studies to benefit larger populations
Expeditiously test, validate and deploy the SHYCOCAN in medical and non-medical service areas, schools, camps, daycares, residential, industrial, businesses, airports, train stations, transit facilities etc.
Conduct a regeneration trial with the Cytotron® for COVID-19 induced, degenerative, interstitial lung disease
Launching and completing the first US FDA clinical trial for breast, pancreas and liver cancer indications granted with the Breakthrough Designation for the Cytotron®
Conduct a parallel humanitarian device exemption trial for pediatric brain tumors, and a regeneration trial for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) and wound healing with the Cytotron®
Commence marketing of the Cytotron® in Mexico and other COFEPRIS compliant countries in Latin America through our partners there
Health Canada approval for the CE marked Cytotron® for regenerative medicine, sport rehabilitation, Cancer and other degenerative indications, after identifying a marketing partner in Canada
RFQMR is a platform techonology proven for the regeneration and degeneration of human tissue.
Rayol John Augustus | Co-Founder

A Brief History of Shreis
Coming Soon…